Well it has happened, I seem to be stuck in rut. There is nothing to do in my daily life that isn't boring. Most of the time I am just here, on the computer all day, on Steam playing Doom and on Gaia online, at times I guess I will draw stuff, but the inspiration comes and goes. Speaking of drawing, I guess I made my own DeviantART profile to just I dunno, show off my crappy art, it's empty at the moment, but it will slowly built up.
But yeah...I am bored...I am just in my house all day! I don't even have a job or go to college at the moment, I take a break from college, but still looking for a job, but this recession sucks, no one wants to hire >n> Blah I am depressing myself now. You know who I have really gotten into? MGMT, their fucking music is catchy, and with Justice? Even better!
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Stop feeling so sorry for your self.
"oh the recession blah blah, nobody will hire me"
Well, fuck no, not with thát attitude they won't! Be awesome, feel awesome! Everybody wants to hire you, they just don't realize that yet when you step in their business!
if you're still bored there are like thousands and thousands of interesting books out there. There must be some subject you know nothing about that may appeal to you. I just recently bought a book on infinity even though I know jack shit about math.
Being bored really is quite impossible if you're creative enough to make your own 'destiny' (fuck I hate what that word implies). Just do something is the gist of my little rant I guess, there shouldn't be anything like boredom in this modern world.
Dude...I never was feeling bad for myself...I was just saying, no body is hiring me. I have applied for many stores her close by, and no dice, nothing. I don't know how you got the idea I was making myself feel like shit. I always have a positive attitude towards the future. I might not get a job right now, but I will get on eventually, so get off my back.
I don't like reading books, and much worse, I don't like math at all. So thats a lose lose for me.
I have a small attention span, I get bored quickly.