Cute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.

Age 33, Female

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Fullerton Union High School


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Same thing all day...

Posted by Deadchick - October 22nd, 2010

Well it has happened, I seem to be stuck in rut. There is nothing to do in my daily life that isn't boring. Most of the time I am just here, on the computer all day, on Steam playing Doom and on Gaia online, at times I guess I will draw stuff, but the inspiration comes and goes. Speaking of drawing, I guess I made my own DeviantART profile to just I dunno, show off my crappy art, it's empty at the moment, but it will slowly built up.

But yeah...I am bored...I am just in my house all day! I don't even have a job or go to college at the moment, I take a break from college, but still looking for a job, but this recession sucks, no one wants to hire >n> Blah I am depressing myself now. You know who I have really gotten into? MGMT, their fucking music is catchy, and with Justice? Even better!

/* */


Stop feeling so sorry for your self.

"oh the recession blah blah, nobody will hire me"

Well, fuck no, not with thát attitude they won't! Be awesome, feel awesome! Everybody wants to hire you, they just don't realize that yet when you step in their business!

if you're still bored there are like thousands and thousands of interesting books out there. There must be some subject you know nothing about that may appeal to you. I just recently bought a book on infinity even though I know jack shit about math.

Being bored really is quite impossible if you're creative enough to make your own 'destiny' (fuck I hate what that word implies). Just do something is the gist of my little rant I guess, there shouldn't be anything like boredom in this modern world.

Dude...I never was feeling bad for myself...I was just saying, no body is hiring me. I have applied for many stores her close by, and no dice, nothing. I don't know how you got the idea I was making myself feel like shit. I always have a positive attitude towards the future. I might not get a job right now, but I will get on eventually, so get off my back.

I don't like reading books, and much worse, I don't like math at all. So thats a lose lose for me.

I have a small attention span, I get bored quickly.

Justice is the bees knees. And I'm sorry about your bored and jobless situation. Hopefully something turns up. I used to do that and it's not fun.

No doubt, I want another album from them. Also yeah, I will have to do more job hunting this weekend. Maybe at the mall close by here.

Ill hire you I got a nic job for you already eehhhererer

Oh yeeeah? whats the job? o .o

Become a PHOTOJOURNALIST. And be like your hero, Frank West. :3

Hell yeh, Frank Fucking West, I wanna cover wars like him >3>

make a game and sell it there

Make a game? about what? o3o

What's your gaia? Look for Charmageddon (that's me) :D

My gaia? Well I am known as Tentaclemuffin there, so yeah...apparently I am pretty popular there now, like how I used to be there.

lol I've actually heard this song a while ago, it's in one of my favourite Xbox games

Oh yeah? which game might that be?

You look like my friend Emily, except your not her.

Yes...I look like lots of girls...for some reason, lol.

NHL 11... i waste my life on that game

I never got into sports games.

Wow that is so weird.
Ya kinda remind me of me lol
I love both of those guys, and as for Gaia im usually checking it everyday
play I play Doom so props to you


Yes, Justice and MGMT are awesome, I am usually on Gaia more now days, instead of hear, I dunno why. Yeah, Doom is classic, who doesn't like it?

I have felt the same way recently I don't know wtf is going on. I don't think I have ever really been depressed before and it feels like shit. Yes, I always have a positive view on things but for some reason its hard to find right now. I also have a short attention span when it comes to many things. Things get boring quick.

No kidding, I am just hoping I find some job quick before I got nuts.

Yeah, actually I bet you could totally run a fork lift. It's easy peasy lol. The question is, do you WANT to run a fork lift. I like forklifts that steer from the rear, that way you can go screaming across the floor then crank the well and whip around crazy fast. Don't do it with a load on the forks though. Tipping loads sucks. Bleh, that's how boring I am... fork lift stories >_>

Oook....that was totally random o _o

I have a dish washing job and all i do now is buy MTG cards.cant play games cause I work when they call me and that means I stay there till closing usually longer than there open I suck at my job!!!! oh and cool song to.

Man thats lame, at least you have a job.

Yeah, California is in a bit of a hole right now. I'm applying to study abroad there next year and I was told they're not even accepting freshmans at most of the cal state campus, because they simply cannot afford it. Crazy shiiiit. On the bright side it means the Aussie dollar is about 1:1 with the US dollar, so it works in my favour in most aspects.

As for occupying your time, I'm sure there's something you could do. Why not offer your musical talents to a few projects? There's always flash game devs and animators looking for musicians to collaborate with, you just have to ask. I know I'm constantly looking for people.

Also, Justice are the bomb.

Oh yeah no kidding, thats why I also took a break from college for now, them getting me to spend more money. Lol also sweet.

Hmm yeah, I guess I can...start with music again, just have to find my synth again...I know it's around my place.

Also yeah they are, lol.

wo jesus christ dont feel bad for yourself cause i heard i 9 year old kid killed himself cause he hated his life i dint now who he was but i feel sorry for him :(

I never said I felt bad about myself >3> I was just saying I was just bored out of my mind.

i always listen to music when i draw, i get my inspiration from music, the rhythm guides me and moves me, it gives me ideas and stuff.
This is one of my favorite idea songs, whenever i listen to this i make really happy upbeat, or actiony drawings. in fact i drew my entire user profile listening to this.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6dQQOZXZQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6dQQ OZXZQ</a>
i listen to this when i want to make a very serious sad drawing.
i also want this playing at my wedding
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxeXmwnzgek">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxeXmw nzgek</a>

I see, thats pretty cool, and yeah Anamanaguchi is pretty awesome, I really loved that sound track they made for the Scott Pilgrim game. Also Twilight Princess...hmm...haven't even beaten the game o _o

Also just as a warning about your job situation any website you visit and go often to most employers WILL check them for anything they think could be wrong with you. If you are currently looking do not and I repeat DO NOT put anything in those sites about any parties, drug using, alcohol abuse, obsessive partying, and things like that because if you do they WILL NOT hire you at all! Just a warning from someone it has already happened too.

Oh yeah I know how these employers are so I am not sharing any of that stuff. Hell I don't even have a Facebook or Myspace, so I wont be having any pics of me getting drunk and stuff, lol.

Read up, you said you don't think you could run a forklift, /shrug just saying.

I know I know, but like, that was still random. I just mentioned something about a forklift and you made it into some, story.

well i dont feel bored two ive been waiting for gears ofwar 3 and i dont know why but theres gonna be female gears killing make locust and lambent

Just do what I do: Prostitution!

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