This hiatus of no making music is driving me to boredom. So you probably you are saying to yourself, why don't I just get off of it then? Well to tell you the truth, I really don't know lol, maybe I am losing some of those creative juices, anyway yeah me bored and just posted this random post cause I got nothing better to do. Oh and I also got a new printer with a scanner that works, so yeah I tested it out and I like the results. Here is the pic I scanned, one of my random sketches I do when I am at work or school, the result of a giraffe and ostrich having their way with each other. I call it um...a...well I have no damn clue what should I call it. Maybe when I make a flash of my own this guy will be involved. I don't know, got any ideas for names?
EDIT: By the way, it has a name now, it's Charles, and he is an ostraffe. And oh, how awesome is this gif !? Thanks to RubberNinja for making it, awesome guy :3
hello SPOTS!?
That will be his nickname :3