Hey Derek, I loves you, I loves you a lot. You are really nice and awesome, and don't leave Newgrounds, pwease? just don't. Sure, you are still on msn, but come on, Newgrounds seems lonely and scary with out you : P Oh and stop being sooo gloomy, cheer up! and if you don't, I always find ways. Also good luck with your college, hope you get lots of chick there : P Oh, and try to guess who is Derek. I'm not telling no one or giving any clues. Winner gets nothing, good luck : P
P.S. Thanks for remembering my birthday =3
P.P.S. Coldplay for Derek =3 Anyone who doesn't love Coldplay, screw off.
'Yellow', Love this song ^ ^
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'Viva La Vida',Love this song too, from their new album, don't have it though =(
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Coldplay is Awesome <3
I'm surprised your don't have this flash in your favorites' list.
Coldplay - Yellow
Animation by : Lindu
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/322736">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /322736</a>
Oh, crap, I'm also surprised. Thanks for that : P