Alright new entry, and this will be the newest one til I don't know when, so this will be post on for a LONG time. Alright so I met a couple of lovely people on ng, some not so lovely, and met some ones that really are nice that I would consider them as pals. So here is the list.
azteca89- People might think of him as a jerk or not funny or helpful, Or probably you're saying to yourself "Who the hell is this guy?". But you are wrong, he is all of that when you approach him nicely. Also he has been a great help to me, he helped me not be such a noob. He's like my Yoda to my Skywalker : P Thanks az.
DgsGaming- Really awesome and kind guy he is, talk to him a lot on msn. Also he's planning to leave ng, NO! don't leave! Come on guys, tell him not to leave.
MissingNYC- I pm'd him a couple of times and had a nice chat, also he is a friend of azteca89, any friend of az is a friend of mine : ) Yeah Missing is pretty cool for an "old" guy : P
Phsyco-Mantis- He loves kittens. I could relate to that : P Also I've been talking to him recently, alot, and I've enjoyed it.
chainsaw8877-Funny guy, when I talk to him on aim, he knows how to cheer me up, never see him post on ng though = (
sasuke2910- Spams my blog with his comments, I like that : P
JackPhantasm- He's wants attention, so give him attention! >: ( also he didn't quickly imply that I wasn't a girl. I love you Jack ; )
ViperMask- A really unknown user with a high level, gave me a warm welcome when I came here. I thank him for that.
Eli216AkAMcdoAddict- Another friendly user that also showed me the ropes to this place, like handling trolls and stuff like that.
firemaker60- Another nice user that stops on by in my blog, just like sasuke2910, but less annoying wait scratch that, not annoying : P, no offense sasuke you're cool, don't stop being annoying : P
rumblefighter21- Gives me lyrics to songs I never heard, also gives me random facts of ng :P
Cericon- Number 1 E trannie detective. So watch out e trannies, if you don't want trouble, don't be such an attention whore : P
Nithalahk- Nice user, supposedly an asshole, but he is really nice :P Oh and also, he didn't look down upon me when I had this certain argument with some attention whores >.>
Anubis123451- Pms me, a lot. Might as well use aim or msn :P
Earthshine- Rush fan, drops on by and post lyrics of who else? Rush : P
End for now. Now you're probably wondering, Could you get on the list? or course you can, how? Well add me on aim give a little chat or check or hotmail (ask me for that one), or you could just give me some friendly comments on my blog like sasuke : P, well there are many ways to contact me, the possibilities are endless. Or help me, like lets say, whistle points? : P What? I like shiny things, I want a silver whistle.
If you want whistle points, you should check this out: <a href=""> 4264/1178</a>
Don't flag the wrong stuff or you'll get garbage just like me..
Aw thanks = ) Lets see if I could get it, and then I'll consider you a pal : P