Cute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.

Age 33, Female

Intern (Interior D)

Fullerton Union High School


Joined on 5/26/08

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6,970 / 7,510
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6.72 votes
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Coldplay is Awesome <3

I'm surprised your don't have this flash in your favorites' list.

Coldplay - Yellow
Animation by : Lindu
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/322736">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /322736</a>

Oh, crap, I'm also surprised. Thanks for that : P

thats a good page pic
u shuld see mine
im a furry too

I'm furry? really? : P

Derek who?

Nuh-uh, not telling, you gotta guess : P

so Derek gets more attention than me or Az huh... so THAT's how it is...
lol why is he leavign anyway!?

Lol, Cus he's awesome =3

: P

Odd, didn't he say he was going to leave about two months ago? There's hope yet as he still might be attracted to Newgrounds.

Hope he doesn't : P

Also, calling people by first names is so... <ugh>American</ugh>. Last names are how we do it in the UK, mate.

Uhhh.....cause I am American?..... : P

i'm guessing derek is either you boyfriend or your brother, do i win!!

Psh, not even close.

is he related to you?

Nope, not at all.

then he must be a friend

Oh snap, how did you know!

i'm physic hah now where's my prize

Lol, no prize, read the rules! Also, you didn't guess his ng name : P


lol, no.

or one of the following

1026am, 8ftsantivajr, a-person1, AapoJoki, Aaron4400, Achilles2, Aci6, AHumanBeing, akoRn, AllReligiousDrunk, AlphaCentauri, Alpharius120, americanidiot2f, Arandompeople, arcansi, arctic-zone, Armerad, Armitage217, ArykSB, AxeWarrior, Bahamut, BananaBreadMuffin, BatDan, Ben, BigWowMovies, billybobjimbone, bladeofluigi, blame54, Blaze-Heatnix, Bomshaw, Braital, BranflakesofDoom, BrianEtrius, Calebkitchen, CaptainChip, Carbon, CardinalFang, Castiell, ChaosBeam21, Cheese-on-toast, ChickenReaper, Chikbot, Chiklay4, ClickToPlay, Complete, Crusher117, Crusty-Wiwuh, cuestaluis, dalmo, Dark-Volcano-Sam, dark12222000, darkfiretime1, DasUberCow, dema-the-hedgehog, Der-Lowe, Diglet, digololo, DirtySyko, djmrules, DLucus, DocSprite, Drakenyaze, drknes, Dry-Ice, Earthshine, ecw-studios, Eddie, EnconXV, EyeLovePoozy, Fatchaos, Ferris95, Fire, fohn-jarmery, FrickenHamster, friendly-bear, Fuoco, g0t, Gagsy, GiantDouche, GoryBlizzard, gostgamer, Grade-Zero, gregaaron89, Grizzli, GUTHRIE, H-K-S, Hacsev, Hammi, hankmc7, hatakekakashi7, HWDog35, IamMajik, idiot-buster, Iloveegg4, IntellectualElite, iros-industrial, Ismael92, ixintro, jack-mckenzie, Jerkapotamus, jewdudewtf, JKMonkey, joabos, Joelasticot, JohanL, jordan777, Josh, Kart-Man, KaynSlamdyke, KeithHybrid, KennyD, KillerClam, kingofbuttons, Kingofkingz750, Kirk-Cocaine, kittenclock, knightsofthecircle, Knyszekanimated, kRaZyAzN, Kunera, Kuro, kuttie, Kyothine, Labusch, lautan, LedgendGamer, Leo625, lilchucky, LittleWashu, Longhorn97, LordKooler, Lost-Chances, Lost-Wisdom, LukeJones, Malachy, marchohare, MasarapProductions, Mast3rMind, mathiasnat, Maverick-Alex, Maxxor, MCYoshi, Mendou, Menelaus, mexifry895, misterdog, morlockcleric, Mr-Anderson, Mr-Money, Mrputter, mrwinneranimator, MusicJunky48, nal1200, Nav, NG-NoName, Nicholas-Deary, NickDaPwner, Nickiamtheone, Officer, Orange-Jews, Panzer-Wolf, parton-one, PieLover61, pigeonmaster88, plavigrm, Pounce, poxpower, PrinceFlea, Prinzy2, PrivateJoker92, pwroftheseagoat, Quarl, Rageblood, ratchet103, Redrapter, ReNaeNae, Rideo, risbolla, Rishrakna666, RKThrilla, rockyace42, Rumetzen, SalterAnimation, Sarcasm, SardonicSamurai, sasuke2910, sckum555, sculpted-cold, Sectus, shabbo, Shadow-1409, shadow521, shadowchaotailsevil3, Shnam, shocktherapy, simon, SinJim, Sir-Davey, sirtom93, sistem69, skatin-andy, Skeik-Sprite, SKS, SmileyKillerman, Some-Stupid-Idiot, speeling, ssjskipp, stafffighter, Straight-Edge, SuperDeagle, Supersonic64, swordsman21, Sysko, TacoFreak, tehpistolshrimp, The-Omnipresence, the1stguy1, TheCrazyPianist, TheGimped, THEJamoke, thenewbies, TheScilence, TheTengu, Thimbles, Timmy, TJoyal, TMM43, Toast, towelie101, TR00PER, Truth, Twilight96, UberBarista, UnderRipper, VegetarianMeat, verycoolguy, VespeneGas, VhsTapeclock, videogamer0810, VigilanteNighthawk, weirdoo, wreckages, WritersBlock, XaosLegend, xIDoL, XxDaRkReDxX, xXiled, YoungAndWise, Zergzealot, ZiggyZack99

lol, not even there either.

Sasuke, its so easy, she even said who Derek was back in August.

Oh, and UK English is much more fun to speak in, especially when you can emphasize the accented "e" at the end of "metre", "litre", and "gramme".

Did I?

Too bad I don't talk uk English.

well i've been here scene her very first post and i've never heard it

Yeah me either.

well try saying it again i might get it this time

No no, there's no fun to that.

Here's a hint. She mentioned that she was sad that someone was leaving in an earlier news post.

Lol, thats no clue : P

Aww, how sweet! I honestly didn't expect this. Thanks so much Gracie. You've definitely proved it to me. Love you too =3 <3

Talk to you tonight? Hopefully? I'm sorry about yesterday. I was about to start a conversation with you, but I was needed elsewhere. By the time I got back, you were gone. I'll make it up to you =)

Hehe, and sorry to spoil your little contest =P

Hehe, you finally happy =3

Oh, I'm sorry Derek. Not today, probably tomorrow though. Lots of homework. >.<

Hehe, it's ok, we will be here for some time if it went on : P

Hey, this wouldn't happen to be your YouTube account, would it? No offense, but it sounds a little too extreme.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/jeopardyfinalist">http://www.youtube.com/user/jeopardyf inalist</a>

Oh no no no, dude. I am not an extreme anything. Also, I don't got an account. Whats the point of them anyway?

....maybe...extreme gamer hehe...nah, not that either.

Aww, okay. I was hoping to make good use of my unlimited computer time with you today, but I guess I'll have to wait until another time. Goodnight, then =(

Tomorrow okay! I promise ^ ^

I'm sad. C1ph3r left newgrounds forever. now what do i do? :(:(:(:(:(

Uhhh...make..a...post...about...i t?

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